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Thursday, November 8, 2012 hours 00:00
Permanent Activities: The Talking Corner

Managed by Kermes, La Rivista del Restauro
From 8 to 10 November 2012

An open area reserved to a series of speeches, presentations of books, projects, and other initiatives organised by Kermes, the journal of the restoration. The Talking Corner of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair is the space to communicate.
A 'free' area - that is not enclosed in the walls of a room in which are placed a video and audio equipment and a large informal space for the public. The Talking The Corner is organized, as the Bookshop, by Kermes, the journal of the restoration. The journal of the restoration with the community in which the magazine has grown for more than 20 years, and by Nardini Editore and the new bookshop Nardini Bookstore. The Talking Corner main aim is to offer the public the widest diversity of ideas.
A free space to meet, learn, discuss, design, discover opportunities ...: every day 45 minutes are available to the public presentations of books, events, lectures on the restoration and conservation in collaboration with scholars, professionals, associations and public and private institutions.
Once a day it will be held a meeting at the Ring – the Ring di Bastioni – it is a debate with a pre-fixed time between two "speakers": the public will choose the winner.

Co-ordinator: Andrea Galeazzi

Programme of the Talking Corner


Thursday November 8 2012, from 10:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
For the history of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence - La "Restaurazione generale del Tempio" 1815-1824, presentation of the book

Attending Roberta Roani, Lecturer of Theory an History of Restoration at the University of Florence and author of the book

The book highlights the various problems relating to the conservation of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence and its collection of artworks arising out in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Through a rich previously unpublished documents the book illustrates the steps of the "general restoration of the temple" , built and programmed by the Opera of the church after the fall of Napoleon and the return of Ferdinand III of Lorraine on the throne of Tuscany, with the declared intention of stressing the symbolic and material 'rebirth' of the building and its distinguished decoration, after the French period. It finally shows the complex stratification in the centuries on the walls and in the chapels, of monuments and memories that if on the one side were the major attraction for visitors of the nineteenth century, from the other side contributed to erase the remnants of the ancient gothic decorations.

Thursday November 8 2012, from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
The technology of Augmented Reality applied to Cultural Heritage

Attending: Raffaele Boccaccini, President of Marte 5; Antonio Laudazi, Creative Director of Marte 5

Augmented reality is an innovative technology that allows objects to life through the camera of your smartphone and/or your tablet. Framing the reality that surround us, you can display digital information, entertainment and new interactive features, seamlessly integrated with the physical world, allowing true integration between real and virtual reality. "Marte 5" is a service company that develops solutions in augmented reality, also in the areas of recovery of cultural heritage and organization of cultural events.

Thursday November 8 2012, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The fundraising yesterday, today and tomorrow: perspectives of Fundraising and role of the Fundraisers in Italy

Attending: Luciano Zanin, President of the ASSIF and fundraising consultant

In our times, where rapid change constantly happens, it is necessary to understand how work the the socio economic and cultural process of evolution, in order to influence the processes in place, anticipating the most desirable scenarios for individuals, non-profit organizations and the whole community. Fundraising activities, too often considered residual and then relegated only to the operations of sponsorship and charity, proved to be a valuable tool to understand and support the development of communities and territories as it bases its work on the care of the relationships between people and things, between needs and resources. In this context, the figure of the professional fundraiser plays a strategically important role, as he can become a promoter and a facilitator of all the processes that strongly contribute to a balanced development of the communities.

Thursday November 8 - 2012, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.
The multimedia library Adamantium and the sharing of knowledge in the web 2.0 : presentation of the recent studies on the role of the pigments in modern and contemporary art

AttendingMarco Nicola, Direttore Scientifico Adamantio, Turin

The experiment Adamantium based on the digitization and free sharing of cultural contents will soon be enriched by the results of the experiences of research conducted last year by the academic spin-off of the University of Turin.
The research, currently in progress, is the subject of an internships made by students from two Italian universities. The work, which is part of the complex study of the pigments from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, will be available for free on the Website of the Adamantium in the section reserved to the media library, which already hosts a number of free contents such as old books and sector dissertations.

Thursday November 8 - 2012, from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Ring di Bastioni: Does the Scientific Restoration exist?

AttendingLeonardo Borgioli, Chimico; Ottaviano Caruso, Conservatore/Restauratore di Beni Culturali; Moderatore Giorgio Bonsanti, già Professore di Storia e Tecniche del Restauro, Università di Firenze

Debate with a pre-fixed time between two "speakers": the public will choose the winner.

Giovedì 8 novembre 2012, ore 14:30-15:15
" Kermes -The journal of restoration ": 25 years for the dialogue and the development of culture. Presentation of the no. 85

Attending: Giorgio Bonsanti, Scientific Consultant; Andrea Galeazzi, Director of Kermes; and other members of the Scientific Committee

In its 25 years of life, Kermes-The journal of restoration has become an important communication tool for the entire national and international conservation and restoration community. Since its 25th birthday to meet the demand, more and more felt by the authors and readers, to publish and work on ideas and experiences beyond their geographical boundaries and language, Kermes: — publishes contributions in various languages (Italian, English, French and Spanish) in the authors original language. – It is available through the web in a digital format, overcoming any problem of national and international expedition.

Thursday November 8 - 2012, from 3:15 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The project IMAT for the application of innovative nanomaterials

Attending: Rocco Furferi, Department of Mechanic and Industrial Technologies, University of Florence

The project IMAT (Intelligent Mobile Multipurpose Accurate Thermoelectrical device for art conservation), financed under the Seventh Framework Programme on the call FP7-ENV-NMP-2011, Coordinated by the University of Florence and other partners coming from Germany, Holland, Italy and Lithuania, aims at the creation of a high precision thermoelectric system, based on carbon nanotubes, which can completely replace the traditional "heating table at low pressure" which is still used by many restorers. This new system can be used in the traditional techniques, in combination with synthetic materials and, wherever it is essential a thermal application very precise, stable and homogeneous. The first phases of development of the system will be described with particular emphasis on the technologies based on the carbon nanotubes.

Thursday November 8 - 2012, from 4 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
The restart of the excavations in the necropolis of Manicalunga Timpone Nero - Selinunte

Attending: Andrea Pandolfi, Responsible of the diagnostic and restoration department of the Fondazione Kepha onlus

Manicalunga Timpone Nero is the name of a vast necropolis of the ancient town of Selinunte with tens of thousands of graves, of which only 5,000 were found in the 60s, during the recent excavations conducted by the Foundation Mormino, Banco di Sicilia.
Since then, forty years have passed since you have followed vandalism and violence in the area. On October 29, 2012, thanks to the Kepha Foundation non-profit organization, owner of the land where is located the CAM (Campus Archaeological Museum), was inaugurated the new site of archaeological excavations in the necropolis of Selinunte. This initiative made with the authorisation of the SBCA of Trapani and in collaboration with the Archaeological Park of Selinunte and Cave di Cusa, will have a duration of two years.
The Kepha, through the CAM (Campus Archaeological Museum) is finalized to highlight the funerary structures, but also to discover new archaeological finds, to be displayed in the museum of the structure after being restored in the modern laboratory of the CAM.

Thursday November 8 - 2012, from 4:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The cabinet of restoration of the Osservatorio Ximeniano

Attending: Renzo Maci, Responsible of the Laboratory of Restoration of the Fondazione Osservatorio Ximeniano of Florence

Since 2000, at the Osservatorio Ximeniano was created a restoration lab in order to recover, even from the functional point of view, the rich collection of scientific instruments placed in the centre itself. This activity has spread to the recovery of tools belonging to other collections. There were also organised some restoration courses, particularly reserved to the IGM members. During this meeting we will describe the restoration and reconstruction carried out in some of these instruments.

Thursday November 8 - 2012, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The conservation works in the Church of the Nativity in Betlemme and the project of restoration of the decorated surfaces

Attending: Nicola Santopuoli, "Sapienza" University of Rome, Postgraduate School of Architectural Heritage

Presentation of the results of the studies and of the historical-critical and technical in-depth carried out by the units of an interdisciplinary team commissioned by the Palestinian National Authority as a result of an international call. Specifically, will be presented the preliminary project of restoration of the decorated surfaces, the mosaics and the paintings of the church. The religious value and the historical and architectural consistency of the Basilica of the Nativity make it one of the most important monument of the in human history. The interdisciplinary team consists of: Postgraduate School of Architectural Heritage and Landscape of "La Sapienza" University of Rome, CFR-SadLab University of Ferrara (general coordination), Benecon II University of Naples, CDG Palestine, CNR Ivalsa, Lap&T-Laaum University of Siena, SCDS Canada.


Friday November 9 - 2012, from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
The technology of Augmented Reality applied to Cultural Heritage

Attending: Raffaele Boccaccini, President of Marte 5; Antonio Laudazi, Creative Director of Marte 5

Augmented reality is an innovative technology that allows objects to life through the camera of your smartphone and/or your tablet. Framing the reality that surround us, you can display digital information, entertainment and new interactive features, seamlessly integrated with the physical world, allowing true integration between real and virtual reality. "Marte 5" is a service company that develops solutions in augmented reality, also in the areas of recovery of cultural heritage and organization of cultural events.

Friday November 9 - 2012, from 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
Archeometry and restoration. The technological innovations, presentation of the book

Attending: Salvatore Siano, First Researcher at the Istituto di Fisica Applicata "N. Carrara", CNR of Florence, author of the book

The natural sciences and the technology now provide the factual basis on which are based the modern approach to the preservation and the promotion of cultural heritage. This publication aims to encourage the process of dissemination and contamination between the different competences involved through the presentation of a wide selection of the most advanced techniques of archaeometry and restoration. Besides the current state of the art and the description of the different principles of operation, the meeting illustrates the innovations gained in recent research projects, studies and restorations that have facilitated the development of devices, materials and innovative methods. The book is the result of the common efforts of several research groups with a high degree of specialization that have provided, in most cases fundamental contributions to the techniques of archaeometry and restoration which are documented in the extensive bibliographies, making it a leading role internationally in their respective fields of research and development.

Friday November 9 - 2012, from 10:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
"C.R.E.T.E." a new experience in education. Meeting on the Art Therapy with some images of vital sequences

Attending: Liana Malavasi, President of the associazione CRETE

The specificity of art therapy is to combine the language of the art with the psychological language and to be so a fundamental reference to art and its history, keeping in mind that we can not separate the sphere of art, from the history, the economic political, and from the science. Art is coordinated with other human activities even if it has its own autonomy, its place and its role in our culture in the anthropological sense allows us to process values and to have a dynamic view of the world.
Art therapy is turn in its own space called Atelier Therapeutic of Artistic Expression, the privileged place of a work towards a better self-knowledge and an improved quality in their relationships with the others.

Friday November 9 - 2012, from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
The painted tombs of Tarquinia. Conservation, restoration and technical execution. Presentation of the book and of the no-profit cultural association "Amici delle Tombe di Tarquinia"

Attending: Giorgio Bonsanti, former Professor of History and Techniques of Restoration, University of Florence; Luigi Dei, Professor of Chemistry, University of Florence; Adele Cecchini, Restorer and author of the book

This meeting presents With the support of new and detailed archival research the conservation history of the painted tombs at Tarquinia from the first half of the 19th century to which date back the discovery of most of the tombs known today and the first measures of protection - up to modern times. During the meeting will be then discusses the advanced methods of conservation and development and the measures that have allowed the Superintendent to balance protection and use of the painted tombs. Finally, will be described the current methods of restoration and the study of the Scientific Laboratory of the Vatican Museums on the technique of execution of the different preparatory layers of the underground paintings. This book is a staple for those who will in the future work in the restoration and maintenance of the painted tombs and ensuring that this extraordinary cultural heritage can be transmitted to future generations.

Friday November 9 - 2012, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The Crowdfunding, a new instrument for the online fundraising: Fund for Culture, Eppela and Shiny Note will open a dialogue about this matter

Attending: Marianna Martinoni, member of ASSIF and fundraising consultant

During this intervention three communities - Fund for Culture, Eppela and Shiny Notes - different among them but born with the aim to encourage dialogue between those who want to make Culture in Italy and who want support it starting from small donations, will talk and discuss about this matter. Through the presentation of these organizations, it will be presented the instrument of crowdfunding and what are the advantages of this form of online fundraising for the sectore of Culture.

Friday November 9 - 2012, from 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.
The labour market: professions and skills

Attending: Carla Tomasi, President of the ARI

Reflections on the relationship between the professions, the labour market, and business rules. Searching for a balance between the need for professionalism, the definition of the required skills, the organization of the specialized enterprises and a program that provides an inclusive dialogue with the entire cultural heritage sector, the sector institutions, the local authorities, the local companies, to achieve the result to obtain tangible impacts on the territory and on the tourism in order to enable a fruitful result that could distributes benefits.

Friday November 9 - 2012, from 2 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.
The restoration of Photography. Analogical and Digital Photography and Cinema Materials , presentation of the e-book

Attending; Fulvio Cervini, Director of the Postgraduate School of Art and Historical Heritage at the University of Florence. Barbara Cattaneo, curator of the book and its authors

The restorers have a natural empathy towards the artworks they are restoring. In the case of restoration of photographs, emotional distances are even more difficult to maintain, since the photographic objects, complex and made of various materials, are the bearers of those slices of world unpremeditated as explained very well by Susan Sontag. This volume collects in a choral way the contributions from a large number of conservators and scholars of photography, arguing in detail the phases of prevention, conservation and restoration of photographic and cinematographic materials. The publication search to create a methodological basis to address the restoration of photographic material, which were recognized in Italy as cultural heritage only in the beginning of the twenty-first century (Legislative Decree 490/1999)

Friday November 9 - 2012, from 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Ring di Bastioni: The Mongolfiera Debate

Attending: 8 restauratori; Moderatore Bruno Santi, già Soprintendente OPD

Eight restorers play the role of eight restoration materials and on a hot air balloon that is falling the public has to sacrifice seven material and save only one. Every restorer will have to convince the public in his favour.

Friday November 9 - 2012, from 3:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Archivio Internazionale per la Storia e l'Attualità del Restauro-Cesare Brandi (AISAR), presentation of the Archive and of the handbook: How to avoid damages to the recovered artworks

Attending: Giuseppe Basile, Founder member of the AISAR and author of the book; Francesco Provenzani, Publisher

The book contains the lectures delivered by Giuseppe Basile to the Carabinieri of the Comando Tutela Patrimonio Culturale through a series of relevant courses organised in the recent years by the Ministry of Culture. The scope of these courses was to provide basic information to the Participants on the constitution of matter of the artworks and on their "weak points" that would allow them not to damage inadvertently or otherwise adversely affect the conservation of the works at the time of recovery.

Friday November 9 - 2012, from 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.

Condition a versatile tool for managing and sharing data

Attending: Giovanna C. Scicolone, Restorer The "condition report", which is drawn before performing a restoration work or before acting a loan for an exhibition, is an important document, whose drafting is facilitated by the Website "" This instrument, bearing in mind the protocols currently in force in museums and superintendences, in Italy and abroad, contains a series of technical information for detecting the state of conservation of about 20 typologies of works. The information are displayed in four languages and the program allows a customized management. Thanks to the "cloud storage" you can get everywhere, the data related to the interested artworks. The completeness of information (with the possibility to attach documents pdf, jpeg, tiff) along with the ability to "close" the document irreversibly offer warranty and safety . Data can also be converted into a multimedia document readable even from any mobile device through the free applications used for reading the QR codes.

Friday November 9 - 2012, from 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The manner of Ferraro da Giuliana: at school of plastic in the principato of Don Carlo Aragon Tagliavia

Attending: Alberto Felici, Restorer of mural paintings; Katia D’Ignoti, Consultant of Tecnorestauri; Gaspare Bianco, D.L. Superintendence of Trapani

Commissioned in the second half of the sixteenth century by Don Carlo Aragona Tagliavia, the decoration of the presbytery of the church of San Domenico in Castelvetrano is without doubt the undisputed masterpiece of Ferraro da Giuliana. Its restoration is an indispensable opportunity to study the art techniques that characterize this misunderstood school of stucco "chasers", acquiring technical and historical knowledge. The figurative problems - affecting the plastic decorations - posed by the unusual method of execution of the work involves the whole definition of different solutions within a single theoretical approach.


Saturday November – 10 - 2012 from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Pinocchio Forum

Attending: Monica Baldi, President of the Associazione Culturale Pinocchio di Carlo Lorenzini

Saturday November – 10 - 2012 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
uToPia: Art between Myth and Science.
Artistical Manifesto by Luisa del Campana

Attending: Luisa del Campana, Artista, promoter of the Manifesto; Gianfranco Marchesi, Gianfranco Marchesi of Parma, primary in neurology and psychiatry, expert Neuroaesthetics.; Fabio Babiloni, physiologist and professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the University La Sapienza University in Rome

When art, myth and symbol join Science can be created a new product in the field of contemporary art. The Manifesto proposed by the artist Luisa Del Campana aims to create a revival of all that contents which are on the basis of the idea of the myth that are deeply connected to our ontological values through a 'survey, starting from the theoretical and experimental bases of the "Neuroaesthetics", will use the artwork for recording data of neural responses, obtained also with the help of magnetic resonance imaging.

Saturday November – 10 - 2012 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Prize Friends of Florence - Florence Art and Restoration Fair for preservation of Art and Cultural Heritage – first edition
Attending: Simonetta Brandolini d'Adda, President of Friends of Florence; Franco Sottani, President of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair

The first edition of the Prize Friends of Florence – Florence Art and Restoration Fair marks an important moment in the field of the enhancement of the cultural heritage of Florence; thanks to the collaboration between the Foundation Friends of Florence and the no profit association ISTUR CHT , was born a new synergy between the world of philanthropy, the cultural heritage and the operators of the restoration sector. The Prize consists in a cash amount of € 20,000, including VAT, finalised at the development of an intervention of restoration of a work located in Florence. The awards will symbolically start the work of the winning projectc, which will be completed by 2014.

Saturday November – 10 - 2012 from 12 p.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Pills of shy restoration

Attending: Marco Ermentini, Architect, President of Shy Architecture Association

Shyness is not a disease but a valuable virtue that teaches us how to handle the world gently by asking many questions and asking permission before acting. Irony, such as shyness, is a test of mental agility, an exercise of tolerance, a witness to humanity, it is the art of touch. Even in the restoration, a discipline that has nourished with the darkest seriousness, these two virtues can be precious, today more than ever. Thanks to shyness and irony, dispensed in pills over the counter, thinking breathes lighter and we are able to take the absurd and the paradox of daily life.

Saturday November – 10 - 2012 from 12:45 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.
The technology of Augmented reality applied to cultural heritage

Attending: Raffaele Boccaccini, President of Marte 5; Antonio Laudazi, Creative Director of Marte 5

Augmented reality is an innovative technology that allows objects to life through the camera of your smartphone and/or your tablet. Framing the reality that surround us, you can display digital information, entertainment and new interactive features, seamlessly integrated with the physical world, allowing true integration between real and virtual reality. "Marte 5" is a service company that develops solutions in augmented reality, also in the areas of recovery of cultural heritage and organization of cultural events.

Sabato 10 novembre 2012 ore 13:15-14-15
Ring di Bastioni: Male or Female: the value of sensitivity in restoration?

Attending: Alberto Felici, Conservatore/Restauratore di Beni Culturali; Daniela Murphy Corella, Conservatore/Restauratore di Beni Culturali; Moderator: Francesca Attardo, Conservatore/Restauratore di Beni Culturali

Debate with a pre-fixed time between two "speakers": the public will choose the winner.

Sabato 10 novembre 2012 ore 14:15-15:00
Encaustic: History techniques and researches, presentation of the e-book

Attending: Sergio Omarini, former Director of the Unità Salvaguardia Patrimonio Artistico of the ENEA, lecturer at the USOB of Naples and at the Tuscia University of Viterbo and Professor at the INO CNR of Florence.

The publication covers the state of the art of the knowledge on this debated topic and it is also the result of a conference in which they were considered antique techniques and analyses of encaustic paintings on some portraits coming from Fayum. The analyses were performed with the most modern techniques also on some replies specifically designed to test the limits and the potential in determining the encaustic also with a view to its correct definition. Attended at this campaign of research the Universities of Pisa, Turin, Rome, Parma, and Viterbo and the USOB of Naples together with the Swedish Academy, the OPD and the INO of Florence.

Sabato 10 novembre 2012 ore 15:00-15:45
Not only new restoration works to support Art durability, presentation of the e-book

Attending:Pietro Segala, Director of the Mnemosyne-Istituto per la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Storico Taking advantage of the indications of Giovanni Urbani (ICR director from 1973 to 1983), the authors have tried to keep the deployment propose coherent actions with the conditions of long-term preservation of art, also to reduce more and more the needs of increasingly frequent new restorations "re-restoration", in fact. The e-book has been prepared by the Institute of Mnemosyne of Brescia by its operators Dario Benedetti, Ruggero Boschi, Stefania Bossi, Carlotta Coccoli, Renato Giangualano, Carlo Minelli, Sabrina Salvadori, Pietro Segala.

Saturday November – 10 - 2012 from 3:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Military Museums: the discovery of a little-known heritage through the story of a helmet Attending: Federica Dal Forno, Restorer, Consultant at the Ufficio Storico interforze e CISM (Commissione Italiana di Storia Militare)

The Museums of the Armed Forces for a long time have been preserving a heritage of inestimable value, representing, with tangible force, the war of the new Italy, and beyond. Many advances in medicine, science, transport, communications ... are due to the new needs arising out of war and their unexpected emergencies. It is so compulsory, therefore, to better preserve many precious testimonies gaining an awareness of the intrinsic value of these objects, and then working for their preservation and enhancement.
This is an appeal to all those who devote themselves to the care of cultural heritage so that we can develop a fruitful collaboration in this regard with the Armed Forces.

Sabato 10 novembre 2012 ore 16:30-17:00
IGIIC - The Italian Group of the International Institute for Conservation

Attending: Lorenzo Appolonia, President of the IG-IIC

The Italian Group of the International Institute for Conservation (IIC) has as objective the dissemination of knowledge and methodologies in the field of restoration of historical and artistic artworks. The IG-IIC is aimed at conservators, supervisors, architects, operators in the museum , monuments, archeology, scientific researchers from academia and specialized laboratories (public and private), as well as to all students who want to deepen and keep updating you on issues related to restoration. The main aim of the IG-IIC is to develop the professional contact and exchange between the different actors involved in the protection of cultural heritage and to promote actions, activities and projects relating to the conservation of cultural heritage in the context of the ethical rules of the relevant professions, and in particular in the statutory limits of the IIC.

Saturday November – 10 - 2012 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The Lapidi Terragne of Santa Croce, presentation of the book

Attending: Superintendent Cristina Acidini, Soprintendenza Speciale per il Patrimonio Storico, Artistico ed Etnoantropologico e per il Polo Museale della città di Firenze; Superintendent Marco Ciatti, Opificio delle Pietre Dure. The authors: Antonella Chiti, Rita Iacopino, Cristina Cheli and the curator Roberto Lunari

The catalogue is divided in 3 books with introductory essays; it consists of 242 sheets of historical, technical and stylistic issue. The works are collected in periods between the mid-fourteenth century and the 1931. In the foreword, Roberto Lunardi, editor of the work, shows that the tombs of Santa Croce may accept those who determined the fortune of the city, creating extraordinary works.

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